Ji Lee, Alfred top Sagicor Golf Invitational

GROUP WINNERS: The Sagicor management team flanks the winners of the seven flights of the two-day Sagicor-St Andrews Invitational Golf Tournament held on Sunday, in Moka.
GROUP WINNERS: The Sagicor management team flanks the winners of the seven flights of the two-day Sagicor-St Andrews Invitational Golf Tournament held on Sunday, in Moka.

The recently-concluded Sagicor-St Andrew’s Invitational Golf Tournament saw Ye Ji Lee and Clint Alfred taking home the trophy in their respective flights out of 82 participants.

The tournament had seven flights play 36 holes as individual stroke play: Championship; 1st Flight; 2nd Flight; 3rd Flight; Super Seniors; Seniors; and Women’s Championship.

Lisa Ghany, Down Syndrome Family Network’s (DSFN) chairman of events and sponsorship, was on hand to receive the funds raised via a raffle that was held over the two days. The funds will go towards offsetting the cost of their upcoming Buddy Walk 2017. DSFN is focused on providing “parents or caregivers of persons with Down Syndrome…the resources, support and answers they need to educate and develop the full potential of these individuals throughout their lives.”


"Ji Lee, Alfred top Sagicor Golf Invitational"

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