Sandals next for Watson?

THE EDITOR: Watson Duke’s next show will be Sandals. Duke’s antics appeal to the innocent child that resides in all of us. We love a showman who can make us laugh. Employing the use of a jet ski to Toco instead of swimming was always going to happen.

Easy to laugh now but when we have to face the fact of a possible government wage freeze, even for sea-bridge workers, will Duke throw a tantrum and start to cry? The sea-bridge woes will eventually be fixed but stark reality says the sea bridge is gradually fixing itself, bar all the political grand-charging.

Tobagonians are not fools. They have to be smart. They have to realise that with the advent of Sandals they are going to have to realise that the glory of a working sea bridge rests with a successful transition into being a top tourism destination.

Workers from both Tobago and Trinidad have to be punctual, smart and always smiling with every single passenger, foreign or local. Image is everything.

With an almost inevitable wage freeze, the cynical side of me says that if Duke or any other trade unionist expects to direct traffic regarding who works at Sandals and who gets paid what, everything will turn old mas.

The whole world will be watching as with no other meaningful diversification of the economy, we try to make style. We could destroy the important tourism sector by attempting to control the proverbial little piece of the action. It is only in TT that we encourage the stupid to be powerfully stupid indeed.

With the Public Services Association’s election due in November, Duke needs to get rid of his wetsuit. The home boy might be Pied Piper in Tobago but Trinidad is not going to be a pushover. The other 70,000 PSA voters reside in Trinidad and some of them allegedly dislike the political jet ski and pirogue used to get what he wants.


Diego Martin


"Sandals next for Watson?"

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