On Monday, 31-year-old Ian Jordan and his wife, Yudee Seepersad opened a mini mart, just outside their home, on Herreira Trace, Kelly Village. The mini mart was supposed to be the start of a legacy for Seepersad and Jordan’s six-year-old daughter, Isabella, and their unborn baby.
But gunmen snatched Jordan away from his family when he, and a 20-year-old man from Almond Village, identified as Dillon Samuel, were fatally shot in the parlour on Thursday night.
Seepersad said at the Forensic Science Centre in St James, that although she could not stand the sight of the parlour where he died, she believes that the business has to continue running, so that Jordan’s dream of providing for his children could live on.
“That was always his goal in everything that he does.” Seepersad said, “Even if today or tomorrow something happens to him, his children would have something. He was always set on making something for his children.”
Seepersad said they had been gathering goods and stockpiling the shelves of the newly opened mini mart since last weekend. Hours before he was killed, Jordan and Seepersad were sourcing goods.
“He took pride and wanted everything to be in the mini mart,” Seepersad told reporters “As fast as we got money, we would turn it over and get goods. He was the kind of person that believed if he was going to do something he would do it to his best ability.”
On Thursday night, at about 9.30, the senseless murder occurred. Jordan and Dillon were reportedly sitting in the shop and liming, when a Nissan Tiida rolled up to the shop and faceless gunmen emerged.
The gunmen opened fire on the two and killed them on the spot. They then escaped in their vehicle.
Police are, up to press time, trying to find out why the two men were killed. Seepersad, said that her husband, beside being totally focused on providing for his family, always stood up for what was right, and that may have been the cause of his death.
“He has a lot of partners that would be there for him, but there are others that found that his presence was too strong. He always stood up for what was right, and some people did not like that. They wanted him to conform, and he did not conform. He would stand his ground. Other than that he was respected among the village. There were falling outs with one or two people in the village. But I don’t know it those falling outs had anything to do with his death.”
Relatives of Samuel, who worked at Car Search in St Augustine, believed that he was simply in the wrong place, at the wrong time when he was murdered. Relatives described him as a quiet person who mostly kept to himself.
Family members added that he was accustomed to going to visit Jordan, to lime. They were friends according to both Seepersad and Samuel’s relatives.
“He went there last night and was sitting in front and eating KFC, when they pulled up and started shooting,” said one relative “He wasn’t involved in anything. He never gave that kind of trouble. I used to have to talk to him, the same as any other young boy, but he was never disrespectful or anything like that,”
An autopsy performed at Forensics confirmed that the two men died from multiple gunshot wounds.