The ten people from Jaggan Village who were left homeless when a landslide destroyed their homes on Saturday last, said yesterday (today) that the rain which fell over the past week has further loosened the soil on the hill over their homes, and is in danger of creating another landslide.

The ten people, all family members are still looking for help in putting their lives together, as they are forced to move from the village and live at the homes of other relatives.

"Our family is all over the place," said Emily Sookram yesterday, "We have no idea how long we will be able to stay at the places we are at now, but we cannot go back to our homes."

On Saturday last, at about 2pm, while heavy rain was falling all over Northern Trinidad, the hill where the ten Jaggan Villagers made their homes, came crashing down on their heads. Mud, sand, silt and sediment slipped from the hill and crashed through the roofs of the villagers. With little to no assistance from government bodies, the villagers began cleaning as much of the debris from the landslide as they could, however more rain which fell during the week has made the entire area a ticking time bomb.

"At any given moment that hill could come down again." Sookram said, "I just don't want my family to be in danger when it does"

Newsday was told that the displaced villagers have since been given mattresses bed-sheets, and have been given access to grants that will assist them in getting back on their feet. The villagers said that children who were also displaced in the landslide, were given grants as well so they will be able to buy the school books they lost in the landslide.



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