(centre) Gary Griffith, Commissioner of Police and Hon. Stuart Young, Minister of National Security, flanked by McDonald Jacob Deputy Commissioner of Police, Derrick Sankar, Director of the Forensic Science Centre, Jason Francis Senior Advisor at UNLIREC, and ASP Mattas De Mattos in the ballistic testing room,
The commissioning of the Ballistic Recovery Department of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and graduation ceremony for participant of the Firearm and Toolmarking Training Programme, Cumuto Military Camp, Cumuto. – ROGER JACOB

(centre) Gary Griffith, Commissioner of Police and Hon. Stuart Young, Minister of National Security, flanked by McDonald Jacob Deputy Commissioner of Police, Derrick Sankar, Director of the Forensic Science Centre, Jason Francis Senior Advisor at UNLIREC, and ASP Mattas De Mattos in the ballistic testing room,
The commissioning of the Ballistic Recovery Department of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and graduation ceremony for participant of the Firearm and Toolmarking Training Programme, Cumuto Military Camp, Cumuto. – ROGER JACOB