Lady Young Road needs urgent attention

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: I call on the San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporation, the councillor and parliamentary representative for the area to please pay serious attention to the Lady Young Road now turning slowly but surely into a not so nice drive any more.

This once exquisite drive with its hairpin bends and sharp corners is now graced with old shacks, derelict vehicles left to rot away, many dogs and cats and, most of all, garbage thrown from cars everywhere.

People who reside nearby are forced to walk on the road as there are no pedestrian pavements, endangering themselves. It is also a training pathway for runners although not designed for this. Drivers need observe the speed limit of 65 kph or 50 kph. However, most drivers go over the limit, no matter how dangerous.

There is also heavy equipment parked close to the roadway around a dangerous bend.

T&TEC has ignored appeals to repair the street lights on this important road, including around some challenging bends. Serious accidents can occur and people can be seriously injured or killed.

Please, for the sake of our people, let us take care of our own, let us put our country in some semblance of order.

To those in authority who can address this matter, it would be good to do so now. It could save lives.


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"Lady Young Road needs urgent attention"

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