Kamla: Patriots ran 'dishonest' campaign

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, centre, celebrates with the Star Team at her constituency office in Penal on June 15 as the party’s internal elections results were announced. The Star team got 213,651 votes to the Patriots 62,186 votes. - Photo by Venessa Mohammed
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, centre, celebrates with the Star Team at her constituency office in Penal on June 15 as the party’s internal elections results were announced. The Star team got 213,651 votes to the Patriots 62,186 votes. - Photo by Venessa Mohammed

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says the campaign waged by the United Patriots slate in the UNC's internal elections was dishonest.

She also described the elections as the worst she had ever witnessed in the UNC.

Persad-Bissessar made these comments at her Siparia constituency office in Penal on June 15, as preliminary results in the party's internal elections were announced.

She said the results show the UNC now has a committed national executive (natex) in place.

"I am overwhelmed, because the love and support of the UNC has been tremendous today."

Persad-Bissessar described the election campaign as bruising, battering and gruelling.

She said, "It was a campaign that was rooted in dishonesty from the first day. You will remember that the others (United Patriots) came out and told you that we were not going to hold this internal election.

"So from day one, the other team started with a lie, with dishonesty, and the campaign continued."

She told UNC supporters about her experience in party internal elections.

As political leader, Persad-Bissessar recalled participating in six internal elections since she was first elected on January 24, 2010.

"This has been the worst, and that is why the UNC membership rejected by a landslide that kind of campaign (by the United Patriots)."

Persad-Bissessar said the trends in the results have been very clear.

"It is a landslide victory for the Star team."

A statement issued by the UNC's election management committee on June 16 said the preliminary results showed the incumbent Star slate defeating the United Patriots slate by 213,651 to 62,186 votes.


"Kamla: Patriots ran ‘dishonest’ campaign"

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