Visit welcome but help needed

THE EDITOR: Further to my letter of December 3, “Erosion threat to our home,” two young men from the Ministry of Works and Transportation came by on December 6 (thank you ministry for your timely response). They viewed the damage and both agreed that the land is rapidly slipping into the river. They also saw the structural cracks that have now started to appear on our house. They will be filing a report, if they have not already done so.

It is our opinion that the previous reports have been tied up in the bureaucracy of the San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporation.

We are asking both our MP, Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly (thank you for coming by) and Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan to please escalate the importance of our issue and do something to help us. We are not begging for alms. We are seniors on a fixed income and cannot afford to pay to the rebuild the retaining wall or to repair the structural damage to our house. Please help.



"Visit welcome but help needed"

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