Opposition abstains on Budget

The Opposition abstained in the vote on the National Budget in the House of Representatives last night which was passed by 21 votes “for” (by Government MPs), none “against” and eight abstentions (Opposition). In moving a motion to pass the Budget, Finance Minister Colm Imbert said it had been “a gruelling four weeks” in reference to the Budget debate and its passage through the Standing Finance Committee. He alerted, “We’ll be calling for a division.”

While all Government MPs variously voted “yes” or “aye” and with one or two prefacing their response with “Good Budget” or “Very good Budget”, all Opposition MPs starting with Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee said “Abstain.”

Government MPs jeered, “Shame!”, “Unpatriotic!”. House Leader Camille Robinson-Regis rose and expressed annoyance saying,

“I’m really disturbed that those on the other side did not vote.” Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George chided Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal for steupsing and he apologised, but still incurred the ire of Robinson-Regis saying, “It’s quite unfortunate that should happen.”

The House has been adjourned to a date to be fixed.

The Budget debate heads to the Senate today.


"Opposition abstains on Budget"

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