PM must lead by example

THE EDITOR: In the preamble and hype leading up to the 2018 Budget presentation, a lot was said by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance about the population having to change tastes, and start conserving foreign exchange.

Whereas I endorse this fully, we are yet to hear from the Government that it will be adhering to this policy.

The Prime Minister must lead by example.

He must tell us that he has instructed all his ministries to only source locally manufactured products where available, instead of imported products.

He must tell us that he will not be entering into any contracts with the French or Chinese, and that only local contractors and labour will be considered for future Government projects.

He must tell us that he has instructed that all Government projects only have locally manufactured materials where available, and that local manufacturers will have preference in all Government tenders.



"PM must lead by example"

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