Planting plastic utensils

Plastic spoon dragon flies – garden art for children.
Plastic spoon dragon flies – garden art for children.

PLASTIC utensils like forks are used all the time: eating lunch/snack or at a party. When most people finish using their plastic fork, they toss the used fork into the trash without a second thought. After all, what could you possibly do with an old plastic fork?

It turns out, there’s actually quite a few things you can do with used plastic utensils, especially in the garden. Keep reading to learn why you might want to plant those utensils instead of tossing them in the trash:

Keep the pests at bay: It turns out that plastic forks do a good job of keeping pests away from your precious gardens. Yes, this includes the family cat that you love. The author of Danger Garden recounts her experience, “I figured I would at least buy clear plastic, less visible than white. And it is! I had to get down even with the ground to capture these next pictures of the cutlery art in my garden. So far it seems to be working. Oh and when you want clear…you get the whole set. Forks, knives and spoons…but they’re all good. What furry little kitty bum wants to be caught crouching over a knife?” You can remove the cutlery once the plants come up. If you choose clear cutlery, the look isn’t too bothersome.

Label your plants: Use plastic forks as a cheap labelling device.

Use as decorative labels: You can also make those ugly plastic utensils look pretty by painting them.

Use as a decorative and functional fence: Wash those used plastic forks and line them up in the soil as a fence.

Make it into garden decor: Turn boring plastic into chic garden art. Yes, this includes pretty flowers from plastic spoons or plastic spoon sunflower: ​

Turn it into garden arts and crafts for the childen: like these plastic spoon dragon flies.



"Planting plastic utensils"

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